Guidelines for Head Lice

In order to:

  • Better control a nuisance condition
  • Reduce absenteeism due to head lice
  • Involve parents as partners with the school in control efforts:
  1. Children will be sent home from school for live head lice.  Nit removal is emphasized for effective management of the condition.
  2. Health office staff will provide written treatment information and instructions, including how to check for and identify head lice.
  3. A child who is sent home from school for head lice should miss no more than two school days.
  4. A child who has been sent home from school due to head lice must come to the health office for inspection before returning to class.
  5. A child who returns to class with nits (eggs) will be checked again in 7-10 days.
  6. Families are encouraged to report head lice to the school health office.
  7. Individual buildings will perform classroom-wide or school-wide head check as needed in order to control the condition at school.

For further information on head lice, click on the link below:

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